Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Anonymous said...
i had an eye surgery with the gaseous bubble and was told by my doctor to remain face-down for 7 days. then i'll return to another appointment, when i assume he'll check that the hole is healed and, if so, i assume i can raise my head.

is it at this point that the bubble starts dissipating?

also, i've noticed that on the occasions when i do raise my head - for eye drops, for example - that i feel dizzy and light-headed. has anyone else experienced this? when did it start going away?

also, i've noticed a lot of very lengthy recovery times, which i assume are affected by diabetes or other, additional medical issues. has anyone recovered in 7 days and what was the recovery experience after that? i'm trying to figure out (a little ahead of time) whether i should plan to go back to work or not - and whether i should park my car for a month.

i would really appreciate anyone's experience. thanks

February 9, 2009 10:12 PM

Dear Anonymous:

The gas bubble initially grows over the first few days then gradually dissipates. Depending upon the type of gas used, the bubble will disappear in approximately 2-6 weeks. When to raise your head is variable among surgeons and your particular case, just as you inferred. Your ability to drive once you are released to raise your head will largely be your call. The resisdual bubble may interfere with your depth perception so you will need to be careful. The lightheaded feeling you have experienced when raising your head is not uncommon, especially if you have done a very good job of keeping your face down.



  1. Hello Kelly, I am scheduled for my second vitrectomy on March 18th. I just found out that I am 4 weeks pregnant. I am waiting to hear back from my doctor.... but can you tell me of there are risks to be pregnant and have the surgery or drios afterwards? ZThanks, Steph

  2. Hello Kelly, I am scheduled for my second vitrectomy on March 18th. I just found out that I am 4 weeks pregnant. I am waiting to hear back from my doctor.... but can you tell me of there are risks to be pregnant and have the surgery or drios afterwards? ZThanks, Steph

    Posted by Anonymous to Macular Hole Recovery at March 3, 2009 7:00 PM

    Steph: I'm afraid I have to defer this question to your doctors. Good Luck!

  3. I had macular hole surgery October 8th. I had to keep my face down for 11 days. I setup a table to hold my head with proper face down pillows and used a face down mirror to watch TV. I also put my computer screen inside a clothes basket so it was almost laying down so I could look down at it. I ended up with extreme pain in my hips and neck from the constant face down position. Before surgery my macula hole eye with glasses was 20/200, last week my bad eye with glasses was 20/50. The black bubble is gone now although there is residual gas in my eye. My vision is very good now although I do have some distortion in my bad eye. But, I hear it takes 6 months to a year for complete eye recovery. The worst part was the face down recovery.

  4. I am in need of having surgery for MH. I was diagnosed about 10 yrs ago. Do you think the surgery will make my vision better?????? I now have blurred vision with distorted center vision. Betty in Mississippi

  5. Dear Betty:
    Most surgeons are reluctant to operate on old MH's. Ideally, surgery is done within six months of diagnosis. Your chances of a good visual result after ten years is probably not very good.
    Toni Kelly
    Kelly Comfort Solutions

  6. I was fine and after a laser on my right eye I started seeing lines wavy and distorted sight. The highway signs looked as though someone had wrinkled them. I had a great surgeon and followed his instructions exactly and was blessed to be taken care of by my sister and daughter. One week face down 24 hours a day except to bathe and the bathroom. Now it has been 7 weeks since my surgery and I still see the bubble and sometimes smaller bubbles attached to the main one. I see well but not in the center I have like a black shade but in the center I can see clearly. Example: if I look at a person's face I can only see half of her face but everything around perfectly. The doctor tells me that until the bubble absorbs we cannot tell how my vision will be.I am not a patient person and 71 years of age extremely active. I can drive since I have perfect sight on the side. If anyone reading this can tell me if after the bubble disappears your sight improves.please tell me. I live in Orlando, Florida and my cell phone is 407 718 98 77. God bless all of us.
    Blanquita Trabold

  7. Four years ago I was diagnosed with a macular pucker..at that time i do no recall the Dr. recommending surgery. during the past month my sight deteriorated drascally. last week dr said i had a hole in my macular and surgery was necessary. he thought this was fairly new. would i have got this hole if i would have the pucker repaired. tardyce@aol.com
