Thursday, September 13, 2007

Customer Feedback

I encourage past customers to give feedback regarding their experience with Kelly Comfort Solutions and its product offerings. I try very hard to give the very best customer service and I stand behind our products. I know you can't please all of the people all of the time, but I am hoping that most of my customers have been happy and will give a testimonial that is favorable!


  1. Please don't navigate away before leaving a comment. Here is what you do: Click on the Comments of any particular posting to view them and to add your own. You will need to sign in, (I know, an inconveniece, but I promise noome is going to be Spamming you from this company). I do have the ability to monitor comments for content but I assure you, unless it is an unmannerly comment I will leave both positive and negative comments in place. (Boy I hope there are more positives!)Hope to hear from you!

  2. From a January customer:

    My computer at work will not let me into the comment section of your blog. I can certainly say here (and hopefully you'll be able to transfer it) that I could not have gotten through the face positioning if I had not had your equipment. I only wish that I had rented the chair as well. I found your company to be totally supportive and very professional. Equipment was delivered and picked up exactly when you indicated. Thanks again. Nancy E. K.

  3. Dear Toni, just a note to tell you your equipment worked very well. My
    surgeon did not even know such things existed. He was fascinated by the prism glasses. He asked that I give his staff members info so they would have it on hand for future patients. The chair was especially comfortable. I also used the head support between the bed mattresses because I thought that would be 8 hours of being face down without thinking about it and I was determined to be 100% compliant to the face down positioning. The arm rest board was especially important to relax my shoulders while I was sleeping with the head support. I still see daily improvement in my vision SLOWLY but every day it is a little better. PATIENCE. Fortunately I was only face-down for 7 days (and 7 nights) and my bubble was gone by the 14th day. (I had a macular hole) It is doing well and I am going for my 4 week check up next week. Continuing improvement every day SLOWLY, but improving. I still am not allowed to sleep on my back and found the tennis ball idea didn't work too well,
    but clipping one or two "chip clips" (the ones to seal open pages of chips, etc.)on the back of my pajamas worked well to wake me if I started to roll over on my back. Good luck in your continued service to "facedown patients" Linda O.
