Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Please Leave A Comment!

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  1. I will be having surgery in the near future to repair a macular hole. A friend passed on a recent article to me (December 2007) regarding a new technique to repair macular holes. Microplasmin is injected into the eye which achieves macular hole closure and traction release without need for vitrectomy. Does anyone know if this procedure is being offered in Canada?

  2. I will have my eye done on July 24 I know I should rest for a few days but after that can I walk from room to room with my moble thing on. nola

  3. It looks like there hasn't been any activity here for almost 2 yrs. My mother has a macular hole, but her doctor has been saying a 6wk face down time. Is there somewhere to find out which methods reduce this length. Many sites say 6-10days and some less.

  4. It is extremely unusual to have to position for more than two weeks, however, the gas bubble can last six weeks. During the time the bubble is present you should not lie on your back.

  5. New question: I had a vitrectomy to close my macular hole on Oct 21, 2013. I just finished week 3, doc says hole has closed, and will see him again in a week. My question is I am a very fit 70 year old who jogs, sails and play tennis regularly. What advice do you offer on how soon I can resume my exercise life. By the way my doc (Mayo Clinic) required a week of "look down" position vs "face down". Thanks for any response.

  6. Dear Anonymous:
    Good for you for being so active! I would recommend that you discuss with your doctor what activities will be ok to begin getting back into while you are healing. Jogging and tennis are pretty jostling sports and he may want you to wait a month.
