Monday, June 8, 2009

Anonymous said...
I had surgery for a macular pucker and surgeon fixed a small macular hole 11 days ago. The bubble is a small semi circle now and I can see over it. I have small black dots floating around, still have noticable double vision and wavy horizonal lines. Is this to be expected?

June 8, 2009 9:28 AM

Dear Anonymous:

It is difficult to determine what your final vision will be like until the bubble is gone. While everyones experience is a little different, almost everyone notices being able to see "over the bubble" and many see the dots you mention. The bubble itself is distorting and cause your other complaints but be sure to mention all of this to your surgeon when you see him/her!



  1. Hi I will be having this procedure done on September 2. As you can imagine, I am very nervous as I have had problems with my eys for many years. I am 57 and after I gave birth to my daughter in 1983 I was diagnosed with a detached retina in my right eye. A scleral buckling and sponge procedure was done at that time. In 1996 I developed cateracts in both eyes and had lens implants. Now I have a MH in my right eye. I can see ok at a distance, etc. but cannot read well unless I close that eye. I am so nervous about my eyesight. If the procedure does not take, will I lose what eyesight I have now in my right eye and will this procedure, in fact, make it worse? Thank you for any input.

  2. i have the same small dark gas bubble and the same tiny buuble iside...i was to see my specialist 3 days ago and said everything is going has been over 2 weeks since my macular surgery....hopefully we will bo9th do fine
