Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Macular Hole after previous surgery

Hi I will be having this procedure done on September 2. As you can imagine, I am very nervous as I have had problems with my eys for many years. I am 57 and after I gave birth to my daughter in 1983 I was diagnosed with a detached retina in my right eye. A scleral buckling and sponge procedure was done at that time. In 1996 I developed cateracts in both eyes and had lens implants. Now I have a MH in my right eye. I can see ok at a distance, etc. but cannot read well unless I close that eye. I am so nervous about my eyesight. If the procedure does not take, will I lose what eyesight I have now in my right eye and will this procedure, in fact, make it worse? Thank you for any input.

Dear Anonymous:

The surgery to repair your macular hole will be a little different from the procedure you had done years ago for the detached retina. Of the two surgeries, and of the two problems for that matter, the macular hole and its repair is the preferable. It is still a delicate surgery but success rate is very high. The fact that you have had previous retinal surgery makes you different from the majority of MH repairs and your retina surgeon would be the best source of information about what your particular prognosis is. Unless you have the unfortunate luck to get an infection in the eye it is very unlikely that your vision would get any worse even if the surgery does not repair the hole. Good luck and let me know how it goes!

Toni Kelly
Kelly Comfort Solutions
Vitrectomy Support Equipment Rentals


  1. Hey, I just started a blog about my own experience (in layman's terms) with a macular hole. I'm on day 9 after surgery.

  2. I am having surgery on Thursday of this week: september 24, 2009. I am getting ready in all ways to help myself with the recovery which I am told is the hardest. I have a bladder disease and I have concerns that I will have alot of pain in both my eye and my bladder. I am working out my concerns and trying to address as much as possible each one. I am 62. I was by far the youngest person in the Docs office.

    1. I have just been diagnosed with this condition I'm 53 awaiting surgery.Any advice?

  3. I just had surgery for a macular hole. Last week I had my cataract fixed first and was told I did not have to stay face down because I had the cataract done first. Have you heard of this before. sharon
